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Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Sabrina Carpenter: Singer-Actress Warns Public to Protect Privacy

'Do Not Sell My Personal Information'

Carpenter Cautions Followers about Data Harvesting

Sabrina Carpenter, the celebrated singer-actress known for her roles in "Girl Meets World" and her chart-topping music, has taken to social media to warn her fans about the importance of protecting their personal information.

In an Instagram post on May 11, Carpenter urged her 36 million followers to be vigilant about online privacy. "Don't Let Them Sell Your Info!" she wrote. "Companies can collect your data and sell it to third parties, which can lead to spam, targeted advertising, and even identity theft."

Carpenter's message comes amid growing concerns about data harvesting and privacy violations. She encouraged her fans to take steps to protect their personal information by enabling the "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" option on websites and apps.

"It's your right to control your own information," Carpenter wrote. "Don't let companies take advantage of you. Protect your privacy now."
